iCare Home Health provides non-medical, in-home health care support services to people - young or old, recovering from personal injury, medical procedure, or opting to live or age independently in their own home. Our Services include:
* FRIEND at HOME: Companion, Outings & Trips.Meal Preparation, In Home Recreation, Set up and training of email and facebook to connect with family and friends.
* PERSONAL SUPPORT at HOME: Medication at Home, Dementia and Alzheimer's care.
* FOOT CARE: Bedside Foot care at the comfort of your home provided by our certified footcare nurse.
* NURSE at HOME: Hospital discharge case management, Wound Management, Complex & Special Needs.
* RESPITE CARE: AM & PM bedtime care and dressing. Meals, Mental & Physical Stimulation.
* Attendant Care for Motor Vehicular Accidents or Personal Injury.